Preventing Winter Storm Insurance Claims

While we are going into a week of the new year, some damage has already been done to many properties. The winter season brings joyful thoughts of Christmas and New Year, but it also brings about harsh storms. Winter storms have the potential to destroy your property and cause numerous homeowners insurance claims. The smart decision is to make sure you know how to protect your home and what steps to take in the event of an emergency.  

Homeowners Policies and Winter Damage

It’s important to be aware of what kinds of damages that you may face and what your homeowners insurance needs to cover. Being unaware could mean not having the coverage you need for your home insurance and missing out on the help you need. Damage from falling snow is a very common occurrence that your insurance can help you with. Damage from falling tree limbs (due to high winds), freezing rain, and ice are also standard under your homeowners insurance. If the weather has caused any form of damage, it’s a good idea to report it. It’s also important to know what isn’t covered as winter damage. Heavy rain and floods are not covered, and usually require flood insurance. Damage done due to the homeowner’s negligence is also not covered. 

Frozen Water Pipes

One of the most common insurance claims in the winter is a frozen pipe. If your home’s faucet isn’t working, this could be a frozen pipe. Frozen pipes have the potential to burst and cause water damage, which is not an easy or cheap fix. To prevent frozen water pipes, you should let your water drip on freezing days. This will keep the water constantly moving to prevent a freeze. If your water does freeze, you should immediately stop the faucet and apply a heated pad or hair dryer to thaw the water. Luckily, frozen water pipes are covered in most home insurance policies. This is a relief for homeowners who end up with damages because of a frozen water pipe. 

Roof Damage

Roof damage is another common insurance claim that many people report in the winter. When it’s freezing, ice dams can form on your roof through the freezing, melting, then refreezing of your water. This could cause mold and leakage in your house. It can also block drains and weaken the structure of your roof. The easiest tip to use, if it’s possible, is to remove the snow from your roof. Purchasing a roof rake and removing the snow can prevent freezing water and ice dams from forming. Try keeping your attic insulated by closing upn spots where warm air can leak out. Preventing this is important so that you don’t get icicles, which could remove a gutter. Roof damage is also covered by homeowner’s insurance, but it can be easily avoided by keeping up with the state of your roof. 

House Fires

Although the weather is cold, house fires are still a very real threat that could happen in your home. House fires can happen due to negligence, but they are promoted because people like to use candles and fireplaces during the winter. Using a flashlight could help cut down on fire usage if you are using candles for light. Another tip is to heat your home with items such as heating pads or electric heaters. These should be unplugged while you are asleep and at least 3 feet away from other items. Never use your stove to warm the house because it is easily flammable. In the event that a fire does happen, your home insurance should help. Your homeowner’s insurance will cover the damages as long as the fire was not intentional. 

Filing A Claim

Homeowners insurance is a great option, but it's important to know how and when to file a claim. The first thing that you should do is find a safe place to stay, assuming that a large amount of damage has been done to your home. If the damage is not too large and your home is still functional, then you can stay at your home. After this, you need to contact your insurer as soon as possible. Home insurance policies will require you to make a claim in a timely manner. You should document the damage and take pictures for your insurer. 

Once you contact your insurer, they will most likely tell you stopgap work that can be done. This is work you can do right now to make your house habitable and prevent more damage from happening. It’s also a good idea to do research about who you hire for the job and what your insurance recommends. 

While talking to your insurer, it’s also important to get details about your policy. Homeowners insurance doesn’t cover everything, but it does cover a lot of damages that could be affecting your home. Make sure to review your policy and know what you can get covered with your home insurance. Keep in mind that every insurance carrier has slight differences between their policies and other carriers. 

Final Thoughts

Winter can be a magical time, but it is also cold and brutal to homes. Responsible homeowners should take the necessary steps to prevent damage to their homes and avoid winter damage. Sometimes damage will happen even after taking every preventative measure, and that’s why home insurance is important. Streamline Insurance is a great option to keep your home safe and cozy for the winter. If you have questions about your insurance policy or getting insurance, please contact us. We can walk you through all of the policies we have available and let you know about all of their possible coverages. 


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